Surgery has been the best thing I could have done for myself. I felt great after I left the hospital, and my pain level was minimal after discharge. I didn’t even take any of my pain medication after I discharged, the entire bottle is just sitting there. The gas was bad for a few days. But not even bad. My birthday was on the 10th, and it went well. I had sugar free pudding, and it was nice.
Don’t eat too fast, or even drink too fast. This is killer, you feel like you are going to die! Just don’t do it. I know I wan’t getting enough fluids at first, but I have really concentrated on getting enough. Meals are a burden now, so get used to that.
Vitamins are a hassle, but necessary. Get a pill box so you can bring them with you. I always put mine in the pill box even at home, I forget how many times I have taken a specific pill if I don’t. The heating pad still is a wonderful soothing tool.
Fluids. Fluids. Fluids.
Still be careful about lame friends. The PTA meeting went with issues, as I expected. I run the website for the PTA, and this ex-friend opposed reimbursement for hosting and domain name of the website…even though I paid for it already. She is doing crap purposefully to be a you know what. I usually plan the mother and son event at the school, but she worked her evil bitch magic and made it so that she could. Going behind my back to tell people that I must have too much on my plate, after having surgery an all. Soo thoughtful of her, isn’t it?? All I can say is this- she is crossing a line into the direction of no return. I mean really, she is telling people things about my marriage, and about me having weight loss surgery, and who knows what else. She is definitely doing things in a purposeful manner to intentionally hurt me. Well, thing is I know where all the skeletons are buried…especially the one where she works for the school district, and she uses drugs. I sure wouldn’t want other parents at the school knowing that this woman who works around their kids uses drugs. To be clear, I am referring to pot..which isn’t bad, but as a school employee, not okay. Guess we will see how this progresses, I really don’t want to have a war going on, but if she continues to provoke me, I can’t say that I won’t push back.
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