Pre-Op Appointment

sarahissmaller • September 17, 2014

Well my pre op appointment went well and all seems to be good. I am scheduled for surgery on October 1st. I have started shopping for all the items that I will need before and after surgery. I can’t wait for this surgery to be done and over with. The 2 week diet starts today. I am supposed to drink 2 protein drinks in place of meals, and then a light dinner, of no more than 350 calories. Then 2 days before surgery I am on clear liquids. Lets see how this goes. To be honest, the shakes will be easier, it is a no brainer for meals, and will take the what to have struggle away.

July 5, 2015
Still Figuring It Out, One Step at a Time
April 3, 2015
When Moving Forward Feels Like Leaving Something Behind
By sarahissmaller February 16, 2015
Hello, its been about 4 months since my surgery. I have lost 110 lbs since I started my journey. 40 before surgery and 80 since surgery. I am thinking that I am very close to my goal at this point, … Continue reading →
By sarahissmaller January 12, 2015
So its been a little over 3 months, and I had not expected that things would go the way they did. Obviously, we can start with the major events- losing my younger brother. Before the surgery I would have definitely … Continue reading →
By sarahissmaller January 4, 2015
Hello everyone! Sorry for the lack of an update for about the last month, or so. I am dealing with the loss of my younger brother. He fell ill early in December and since then it has been a horrible … Continue reading →
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