So the 2 week diet went quickly. The most difficult issue has been the clear liquid diet, WOW! I have been drowsy and lethargic. My stomach has been gurgling and not feeling well. I will be glad when this is all over.
For the month of September I walked/Ran over 100 miles this month! That is amazing, and I am very excited that I did it.
I have lost 40 lbs in the pre operative stage. I am already feeling good. Although I have people who are being very difficult saying that maybe I just don’t even need the surgery now….thank you for looking from the outside and deciding what surgery I need, or don’t need. I still have 80 lbs to lose. I know that I am making the right choice to have this surgery. Bit of advice, I feel lots of judgment from people about my choice to have this surgery, and I have heard one to many times that this is the easy way out. NO IT IS NOT! There is nothing easy about a single step in this process. Just be prepared for people to be judgmental about your choices.
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