So I get to go home today. That is wonderful! I had a few feelings that have been on my mind since I woke up after surgery. People who I thought were my friends didn’t even call or text, of send a stupid e mail, or even a facebook post to say they hope I am feeling well. WOW! It is sad that you realize when you go through the worst of times who your friends really are, at the time when you really need them. Lesson learned, humanity does not exist anymore. Anyways, as far as I am concerned, I am just going to keep this to myself, maybe I am just being overly sensitive because of the surgery. But really?? Not even a text? Shout out to my sister, she was checking in on me the first day. Yes, even fat girls have feelings, and mine were hurt because of those who claim to be my friends not even checking up on me. I know it’s not much to ask, I check up on my friends, always.
So going home will be nice. My mom will be here tomorrow to help me out with stuff. My husband has been really supportive and my son has been very loving. I can’t ask for more than those few things from the people closest to me. Anyways, the car ride will be interesting, hopefully there is no traffic when we are on the way home.
I suggest that you have your pain medication right before you leave, so that if you are in pain it is at least dulled down slightly. I don’t know if every doctor does this, but mine gives you a shot of numbing medication in your abdomen during surgery. I have not had any pain from the surgical issues, only the gas. If they didn’t mention this, ask if they do give that shot. I can tell you it has been very helpful.
Also, I know some patients that had to have a drain, I did not. I don’t know if that is because I had a sleeve, or if it is just a doctor’s preference. I can say the catheter was awful! I was expecting that if I was up and walking that it would be taken out right away. This was not the case, I had to wait 24 hours before I could take it out. Tell the nurse to tape the tube down to your thigh so that when you are doing your laps around the hospital it isn’t pulling or bothering you.
Thanks for reading,
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