Surgery Went Well

sarahissmaller • October 2, 2014

Surgery went without a single issue. Let me just say, I finally get to take fluids today! All day yesterday was terrible, my mouth was dry and I was thirsty feeling. I had these stupid little swabs that I could run through my mouth, but couldn’t suck the water off them. They brought me a tray with a bunch of liquids on it: the oh so famous chicken broth, sugar free jello, Sobe life water, water, optimum nutrition protein drink (actually tastes okay). I can have 1 oz per 15 minutes, so in order to finish my entire tray it will literally take me 4 hours! Why do they put so much on the damn tray if they know I am just going to waste almost all of it? Anyhow, my pain is not bad at all, I was up walking within an hour of getting to my room. I am insanely bloated, I didn’t know about this CO2 thing that they do to your stomach during surgery. Walking does help a bit. I have been changing positions like crazy to try to move this gas along, it’s not working yet. I got the stupid catheter out today. That was the best part of my entire day. I don’t like catheters because they make you feel like you have to pee the entire time! That was terrible. Anyhow, I am more mobile than the doctors thought I would be, which I guess is to my benefit. The most helpful thing for the pain and the gas is heating packs. Ask for them, or bring along a heating pad.

Don’t step on the scale that is right there near your room. Let me tell you, I gained about 8 lbs of water weight because of the IV, which is fine. Why do they put the damn scale in the wing where they will have weight loss surgery patients? That is by far the worst ever thing they could do. Especially after working so hard in the pre-op stages to lose weight, to wake up and be 8 lbs heavier is just a slap in the face. Beware of the stupid scale.

If your hospital doesn’t have sugar free popsicles have a friend bring them for you. They are a  good way to get some fluids when water just isn’t cutting it.  The cold is really soothing as well, so have those ready for you when you get home from the hospital. Speaking of home, I get to go home tomorrow!

Here are what my incisions look like right after surgery:



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