6 Week Update

sarahissmaller • November 13, 2014

Hello! Today is my 6 week update. I am feeling 1000% at this point. I am still not tolerating many solid foods well, so mostly just protein right now. I am pleased to say that I am steadily dropping weight, little by little. I am almost down 75 lbs since August 1st. I had my surgery on October 1st, since surgery I have lost 31.6 lbs. That is a pretty exciting feeling.

I don’t totally have a goal in mind for how much more I would like to lose, I am thinking maybe 40 or so lbs. I am going to base it off of my clothes and how they are fitting, I for sure want to lose at least 35 more lbs. Once I reach that point I will be able to decide how much more I need to lose. My ideal weight, according to the nutritionist is about 137 lbs. I ended up going to do a water displacement test, and was told that I should weigh between 140-155, due to my muscle mass. So I am not entirely sure yet.

I didn’t have any comorbidities before surgery, so there are no considerations to look at there. Before surgery and removing the tumor, I was worried that I would have serious issues with diabetes or high blood pressure. Thankfully, I got to the issue before there were serious medical issues to worry about. I think that has been to my benefit, in terms of recovery.

I was able to eat at a restaurant since I had my surgery. In fact, it was at Disneyland! We went to the Blue Bayou and they let me order off the kid’s menu. The portion was still way too big, but at least I didn’t spend a fortune on food that I didn’t even eat 1/3 of. I have found there are some places that are willing to work hard to work within your dietary restrictions, where others don’t give a crap.

Anyhow, the issue with the old friends is still the same, however, I can tell that because I am not engaging into their childish behavior that they are bothered. So I get plenty of joy in knowing that I am above their BS, and still maintaining my cool. The best feeling of all: that I know they are jealous, and I didn’t have to do anything different. My personality is still the same, and that is what is bothering them so much.

The other thing that I have noticed recently, is people are noticing that I am losing weight, and I am always thinking…duh! I lost almost 75 lbs, and you just now notice?? But I politely thank them for noticing, and smile when they tell me how good I look. It feels good to get some acknowledgement. I think I will post some photos soon. I have a bunch of pictures, I just need to upload them. Maybe by my 2 month I will have them up. Also, you can check out my youtube channel if you want to watch my Vlog:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONspSKcXYbA

Thanks for reading! Until next time-


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