Has it really been 7 weeks already? Wow! I am noticing huge changes in myself, and I am definitely getting more attention from people that didn’t notice me before. I have lost 75 lbs, 40 before surgery and 35 since surgery on October 1st. I am currently averaging 5 lbs per week. I met up with one of my longtime friends, and she hadn’t seen me since September. She didn’t even recognize me! I feel good about it. My friend asked me about surgery and if it hurt. Honestly, I didn’t have an unbearable amount of pain, so it isn’t even memorable enough to be something worth talking about. I obviously had the pain from the CO2 gas during surgery, but outside of that, nothing really. My friend asked me if I regret it since I can’t really eat anything, and have such restrictions. My response, is hell no, I would do it again. I feel so good about it. For anyone who is considering it, I can say it has been life changing for me.
I am planning to go and give the support group another try, I hope that it turns out better than the first one. We shall see. I have been really happy and at peace with not going to the meetings, but my nutritionist has called me and made me promise to go. So I will see, I told her no promises on regular attendance.
Other updates this week: I can eat new food groups, but I am proceeding with caution. I have not been reacting very well to new foods yet, so I am still taking it very slow, and my main source of nutrition is my protein. Vitamins!! I have discovered that I am really bad about remembering to take my vitamins, so I have set alarms on my phone to remind me. Additionally, I have also realized I was forgetting how many times a day I was taking my vitamins, so I got a pill case to put all my vitamins in to keep track of each day’s required amounts.
I have been coming up with a bunch of recipes that I will share as I have tried them and gotten opinions from other people. If they taste like booty I don’t want to post them, but I will definitely be putting a few up here once in a while. Some of the cool places I have found recipes is the world according to egg face and Pinterist. Both places have some great tasting recipes for all stages. So please check them out if you need some ideas.
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