So I had my sleep study, and considering it is based off of my performance, I FAILED!I could not sleep for the life of me. I tried so hard and I swear I left in the morning feeling as if I didn’t even have any sleep at all. When I finally got the results back, it turns out I had maybe 3 hours of sleep total, which I don’t even remember falling asleep. When all was said and done, I did not have sleep apnea (thankfully).
Why do sleep studies suck? Well, first they glue all this stuff to your head in various places, and then they make you wear 2 wires that stick in your nose, and that is what really caused all the problems. It was very uncomfortable! I could not stand it at all. Had I not had the stupid wires poking in my nose all night, I would have slept very nicely. Outside of that, I was happy to get home and get some real sleep in the morning. If your insurance will approve you to do an at home sleep study, please take advantage of this option, as I think it will definitely make quite a bit of difference in your comfort level.
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